Life is the best gift man has ever had. Life is precious, life is exciting, and life never ends. When a man and a woman come together, their product of giving birth to a child is so precious. The child’s soul will live on forever and ever that indicate there is life after death.
Have you ever asked yourself a question or had the thought that nothing exists without an owner? For example, the house you live in, does it belong to someone or to you? Do the cars you drive belong to someone or to you? The cup in your house has never moved by itself without your help. Buildings, skyscrapers, and towers are owned by people. Nothing exists without an owner. So this Earth did not come to existence without a Creator, and the Creator is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. (John 1:3, Col. 1:16-17).

Jesus carrying the cross

The fact has been proven beyond all reasonable doubt that there is no man who can make or do what surpasses man. There are no species of man made that have the ability to live or act like Man. Nothing has the capability to function like Man. But the truth is that everything was created by God and for Him only. This Earth didn’t come to existence by itself, but God created it and He created man and gave order to the moon and stars to shine at night, the sun to rule during the day (Gen. 1:16)


We are living in a time where it is easy to forget our maker…

who created us and placed us here for a reason to worship Him. 

We are surrounded by so many busy schedules, pleasure, entertainment, and different types of activities that engulf many lives and serve as a symbol of distraction. Many have come to forget the bishop of our soul. 

God is the master of our souls and we are the custodians. We will one day give an account of our time spent on this Earth. There was a man called Sinclair Lewis who was a writer in those days, he could write and paint brilliant words of commentary. He became the first writer from the United States to be awarded the Nobel Prize in literature for his vigorous and graphic art description and creativity. He was born in the United States and later lived in Rome, Italy.

Jesus carrying the cross

In Rome, he became the most popular writer ever lived in his time. He could paint and write brilliant words with a lot of ideas but he was very bold, in reverence and a man who didn’t believe there is a God. He lived his life in a (carnival city): what I mean here is that he loved to enjoy himself; he spent most of his life from club to club, lived in expensive hotels, and was rich and famous. One day he came out from a restaurant and took off his wristwatch and shouted: “if there is a God, let him strike me in fifteen minutes”. Not later than fifteen minutes, he was rushed to a hospital and a Franciscan nurse heard his last words. “OH LET THE SUN SHINE AGAIN; Oh let me be given an opportunity to know God.” but it was too late. The Bible says; ‘how can we escape if we neglect so great salvation’. 

Sinclair Lewis got all the opportunities for many decades to know God but he chose to despise God and followed after riches, fame, and the cares of this world. He thought no one could talk to him about God. He refused to acknowledge and accept the sacrifice Jesus did for him on the cross. Beloved, it was 2000 years ago that God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for the sins of the whole world and His bloodshed on the cross. His death and resurrection from the dead automatically washed and cleansed us from our sins. If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, it does not matter what sin you have committed, God is a loving God.

Life is nothing on this Earth except we live it for the Lord Jesus Christ. All that we can or will ever attain in life is nothing. I have never seen a man buried with his mansion or cars, or his or her riches. That is a symbol that man is helpless without his Creator – The Lord Jesus Christ. Many years ago, I thought I knew God. 

I occasionally went to church from time to time. I heard the name Jesus; I thought these people who call themselves born again Christians were too extreme. Not until I received Jesus Christ into my heart that was when my life transformed. Thank God for the Lord Jesus Christ who came to this world and died for our sins and my life was turned around, today I am free in God. Beloved, there is nothing God cannot do.

  • Maybe the disappointment you had, God wants to turn it into a great blessing of appointment. 
  • Maybe the sickness in your body, God wants to heal you from it, it doesn’t matter what kind of sickness. 
  • Maybe you are looking to give birth to a baby; God is ready to bless you with a baby. 
  • Maybe you are unemployed, God wants to be your source of income. 
  • Maybe you are going through separation or divorce, God can restore your relationship. 
  • Maybe you are afraid of everything even at night, God wants to give you comfort.

Maybe you think nothing is working for you and you have tried all your sources, people you know and those you trusted have turned their backs on you, the arms of Jesus Christ are widely open for you. 

Our God is a loving God, that He spared not His Son to die for you what else would He not do for you? This is your time: God is calling you; He’s waiting for you. His hands are wide open to embrace you. Why won’t you lean on Him? Please hear His voice, He is calling you now.

Jesus Christ said come unto me all ye that labor 

… and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matt 11 vs. 28:30
Bible says: “what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and loses his own soul”. (Mark 8:36) 

Abundant life is in God, and it’s made simple in the Lord Jesus Christ. 
His love for you is unspeakable; He is willing to make you happy; He is the master of your soul. God cares for you so much; He wants to prove Himself to you. There is no one in this world that loves you like Jesus Christ. Why won’t you put your trust in Him? This is an opportunity to receive Jesus Christ into your heart. The Bible says “There is a way which seemeth right unto man but the end there of is death.” Jesus Christ has paid the death penalty for you, because “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). I beseech you by the mercies of God to try Jesus Christ and your life will never be the same.

worship with us

If you accept Jesus Christ, please join me and say this prayer; 

Lord Jesus Christ. Come into my heart today. Forgive me of my sins. I believe that you are the Son of God that you died for me on the cross and rose from the dead to free me from sin. I accept you into my heart. Change me make me the person you want me to be. I am tired of living my own way, and I want to live your own way and I need your help, God. Create a clean heart in me right now and guide me from now on. I love you Jesus and I
accept you as my Savior, you are the Lord of my life.

Evangelist Bert Brima Ngoba